Esto es lo más nuevo con los teléfonos celulares en nuestra escuela.
Dra. Vides
2 days ago, Diana Vides
Happy Saturday,
See what's happening with attendance over at Cutler Elementary School...Igniting CHAMPIONS from Within!
2 days ago, Diana Vides
Here is the latest with Cellphone use at our school.
Dr. Vides
2 days ago, Diana Vides
Enjoy our Fall Newsletter!
Disfruten de nuestro Boletín de Otoño
2 days ago, Diana Vides
Feliz sabado!
Vean lo que está ta pasando con asistencia en la escuela Elementaria de Cutler...Campeones inspiradores desde dentro
2 days ago, Diana Vides
Campeones de Cutler
Los invitamos a nuestro evento "Literacy is King" en nuestra biblioteca el martes 10, 17 y 24 de Septiembre de 3:00 a 6:00 de la tarde. Los vemos alli!
3 days ago, Diana Vides
Calling all Cutler Champions!!!
We have a fun event for you! Our Literacy is King will be held in our school library on Tuesday September 10, 17 & 24th from 3:00 to 6:00pm. Don't miss it!
3 days ago, Diana Vides
Familia de Cutler,
Hubo un cambio para la Noche de Primaria esta noche. Los estudiantes serán presentados entre el juego de JV y Varsity. Seremos reconocidos en el campo de fútbol a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor, encuentren al equipo de Cutler junto a la caseta de comida a las 6:45 p.m. ¡Nos vemos esta noche!
3 days ago, Diana Vides
There was a change to the Elementary Night at OHS Football game tonight. Students will be introduced between the JV and Varsity game. We will be recognized on the football field at 7:00pm. Please find the Cutler team next to concession stand by 6:45pm. See you all tonight!
3 days ago, Diana Vides
Su hijo podrá entrar gratis al juego de fútbol, este viernes 6 de septiembre, en la escuela Orosi High School. Lo vemos alli! El juego empieza a las 8:15pm. (Hubo un cambio debido a el clima.)
5 days ago, Diana Vides
Please join us this Friday September 6th, your child will get in free to the OHS football game! Hope to see you there! Game begins at 8:15pm (The change was made due to weather.)
5 days ago, Diana Vides
The Cutler Carnival is Coming on Thursday October 3rd!
10 days ago, Diana Vides
Picture day is coming....Thursday September 5th!
10 days ago, Diana Vides
Remember, there will be no school on Monday September 2nd in observance of Labor Day! See you on Tuesday September 3rd!
10 days ago, Diana Vides
Acompáñenos la semana que viene para nuestra semana de vestirse como CAMPEÓN!
24 days ago, Diana Vides
Join us next week for dress up week, August 19-23!!!
24 days ago, Diana Vides
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom
announcements in the COJUSD app! With the addition of
Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/
guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and
access new features. Teachers will begin using this platform in September.
about 1 month ago, Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the COJUSD app!
The same district app will offer class announcements and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to sign up for this platform after August 5th.
Download for Android
Download for iPhone about 1 month ago, Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District
7 months ago, Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District
7 months ago, Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District